Room 118 Solutions - Web Application Development & Programming

Happy 1st Birthday!

Today marks one full year of business as Room 118 Solutions and it’s been an awesome ride. We’ve made some great friends, worked on awesome projects and expanded our skill sets. Here’s to another amazing year.

In celebration of one year in business, we thought its about time we started blogging, so welcome to theĀ inauguralĀ post and keep an eye out for more to come in the future.

Chris & Jim

Chris Gunther

About Chris Gunther

Chris has been developing for the web for over four years, but began tinkering with PHP and Visual Basic long before. Originally getting his start in PHP, he's now rediscovered his passion for programming with Ruby on Rails. His dreams are sometimes haunted by the semantics of his latest markup.

When he's not coding, Chris can be found taking in a Yankees game, cheering on the Jets, learning new chords on the guitar, or cycling all around town.

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